Name | Image | Tier | Pool | Description | Flavor |
Abyss Pearl | | Special | | Each turn, the first Attack you play lowers its targets' Strength by 2 this turn. The second Attack you play inflicts 1Vulnerable. The third Attack you play gains you 5Block for each target hit. | As the abyss stared back, you stabbed it. |
Blackblade | | Special | | Whenever you play a card, gain 1Strength this turn. | A sinister blade that has tasted the blood of dragons. |
Carrion Flame | | Special | | Whenever an enemy dies, deal damage equal to 50% of its Max HP to ALL enemies. | The flame has changed, its immortality preserved. |
Inkheart | | Special | | You can see and play the top card of your draw pile. | The eye stares as you grasp its sticky surface. |
Lock Locket | | Special | | When you would die, if you have Gold, lose 100Gold and heal to 1 HP. | With this, you're golden. |
Master Thief's Presence | | Special | | At the start of each combat, apply 3Vulnerable and 3Weak to ALL enemies. Upon pickup, gain 800Gold, for what that's worth at this point. | From someone who took the Ssssserpent's lessons too much into their heart. |
Scarf of the Bandit Ninja | | Special | | At the start of each combat, obtain 2 random Relics for that combat only. | You put it in your bag but now you can't find it. |
The Other Gremlin Horn | | Special | | The first time you apply Weak or Vulnerable each turn, gain [E] and draw 1 card. | "Aaaaagghh!!" - also Ranwid |